Port of Newark Organizing Action Meeting

Solidarity to
Block Arms Shipments to Stop Genocide in Gaza!

International workers solidarity helped ILA workers strike fear in the hearts of the shippers. Now workers in the US and around the world need the solidarity of truckers and dockers to save the lives of Palestinian workers from being exterminated by US-made weapons. Palestinian unions have called on port workers around the world to block US arms to Israel. Some of the largest unions in the US, including the American Postal Workers Union, Association of Flight Attendants, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, National Education Association, Service Employees International Union, United Auto Workers and United Electrical Workers, have demanded an end to US arms shipment to Israel.

Dockers and truckers at the Port of Newark have a special responsibility because, right now, Maersk carries almost all US arms shipments to Israel through this port. Workers here can organize to block these arms shipments, saving the lives of tens of thousands of fellow workers in Gaza and demonstrating to all the employers that “in our hands we have a power greater than their hoarded gold”! In the process, truckers can organize themselves to strengthen that power and make their own demands.

NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION! The FTC ruled on Jan. 14th that concerted actions of independent contractors are protected labor actions and not violations of anti-trust law. But that ruling could be reversed. NOW is the time for truckers to use it, which will make it far more difficult for anyone to reverse it. NOW is also the time to make sure Netanyahu can’t carry out his threat to renew the genocide in a month.

Come to an online meeting with longshore workers, port truckers, students, antiwar activists and workers from other industries to discuss how we can unite to block the arms that fuel the genocide in Gaza.

ONLINE meeting Saturday, February 1st, 3 PM ET (QR code or zoom link below)
Endorsers: International Luxemburgist Network, (endorsers list in formation)
If you can’t make the meeting, contact us at :973-280-0375, elerner@igc.org