Trump is targeting essential government workers and vital government services, terrorizing immigrants and arming Israel’s genocidal government. We need a unified movement with our own program to defeat the billionaires’ War on Workers. We are circulating the Unity Call (below) to help build such a movement. Come to an online meeting this Sunday, Feb 9 at 3 PM ET to discuss how to build support for the Unity Call and how to use it in ongoing struggles.
We are seeking immediate organizational and individual endorsements for the Unity Call. Until we set up a website , and to avoid overloading the list, please send endorsements to elerner (at) and I will share those received at the Feb .9 meeting.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Feb 9, 2025 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Unity Call:
To Defeat Trump, Build A Movement for a Workers Alternative
Trump’s plans are part of the billionaires’ World War on Workers, from the US to Gaza and everywhere in between. Since 2020, for the first time since World War II, the standard of living and health of the entire world population is decreasing. Capitalism is destroying production, infrastructure and vital services, sending the global economy into an accelerating decline. Wars and disease spread, threatening new pandemics. Education shrivels, hours of work grow longer and wages get smaller.
To defeat this assault, the workers' movement must fight back not by simply protesting what we are against, but instead by unifying and mass mobilizing FOR a Workers Alternative Program. We must build a movement, including an electoral arm, to fight for and win such a program that will resolve the crisis facing humanity.
We can’t allow the capitalists to divide us, with each group fighting in isolation in their own silos for their own separate issues. The attacks on all workers must lead to a unified fight by all workers. We need to build a unified movement that focuses its full strength on a concerted strategic fight, on the principle that an injury to one is an injury to all.
The capitalist class and their dying system has led humanity into a dead end. A workers movement can only win if it offers an alternative program, a hope, a way forward. Based on the broad agreement that already exists, we can democratically arrive at this program.
The outlines of such a program already have the support of millions of workers. Instead of taking America back to slavery and dark ages, take back the trillions the billionaires stole. Instead of deportations, equal rights for all who live here. Instead of soaring housing costs, build free housing for all. Instead of gutting government services, a vast expansion of education and medical services, free for all. Instead of war, and tariffs, the reconversion of the arms industry to rebuild the US and the world, creating millions of jobs. Instead of unemployment and speed-up, shorter hours for all. Instead of fossil fuel pollution and enormous expense, develop clean, cheap, safe inexhaustible energy. Instead of rule by the billionaires, workers making economic decisions democratically.
A workers’ movement can’t offer a credible alternative program if it is tied to the bankrupt policy of reliance on the Democratic Party. Rather we must build a movement with an entirely independent electoral arm that runs candidates pledged to support the program and to adhere to the democratic decisions of the movement both during electoral races and if elected to office. Out of such organizing we will democratically build an independent mass-based workers party which unites electoral action with building the mass movement.
Electoral abstention does not end the alliance with the Democrats. It instead allows them to fill the political vacuum and contain, divert, and eventually kill our movements in the streets, schools and workplaces. Either we break with the Democrats by running our own democratically-controlled labor candidates or the they will break our movement, as they have done countless times in the past.
Building such a unified movement can only be accomplished by a democratic process with decision-making from the bottom up, through institutions such as popular assemblies at local regional and national levels. It can never be built from the top down by self-appointed or entrenched leaders. Only such a democratic process can arrive at a concrete unifying program. Building this democratic process must include defeating the massive repression of workers and student democratic rights that the capitalists are now imposing in campuses and workplaces around the world.
As a first step in the process of building this essential movement we are asking individuals and organizations to endorse this call to build a movement around four basic principles:
1) A unified movement that responds to all attacks in a concerted way
2) A movement unified around a positive program –-a working class alternative to solve the global crisis
3) A movement with an electoral arm independent of the Democratic Party
4) A movement organized around democratic principles, with a democratic process to decide on a program and action
We invite those endorsing this call to participate in our forums and planning meetings which will be announced to all. A discussion board with a range of views concretizing this call is here: (link TBA)
Initial Endorsers:
International Luxemburgist Network
Save Gaza, Save US All