Submitted by luxnet23 on Tue, 02/04/2025 - 03:23
Trump is targeting essential government workers and vital government services, terrorizing immigrants and arming Israel’s genocidal government. We need a unified movement with our own program to defeat the billionaires’ War on Workers. We are circulating the Unity Call (below) to help build such a movement. Come to an online meeting this Sunday, Feb 9 at 3 PM ET to discuss how to build support for the Unity Call and how to use it in ongoing struggles.
Submitted by luxnet23 on Tue, 01/21/2025 - 16:10
Solidarity to
Block Arms Shipments to Stop Genocide in Gaza!
Submitted by luxnet23 on Mon, 01/13/2025 - 19:10
International Worker Solidarity to
Block Arms Shipments to Stop Genocide in Gaza!
Submitted by luxnet23 on Fri, 12/27/2024 - 02:53
An International Luxemburgist Network online Forum recorded Sept. 22, 2024. What can the workers movement do right now? How can the growing movement against the Gaza War gain the strength to block the global fascist attack on workers’ rights and living standards? How can we link the issues of the War and repression against students and workers? What role can independent electoral action play in such a movement? How can we link the student and workers movements? What should be the organizing priorities for the fall?
Submitted by luxnet23 on Thu, 05/02/2024 - 03:11
Worker-Student Unity to Stop Genocide in Gaza!
Stop Arms to Israel, Stop the War Machine!
Immediate Withdrawal from ALL Occupied Territories!
Free ALL Political Prisoners!
Submitted by luxnet23 on Wed, 04/24/2024 - 17:04
Statement in Solidarity with the Student Occupations at Columbia University and World-Wide
(We invite all organizations and individuals worldwide to endorse this statement and send the endorsement to us using the contact form at or by email to )
Submitted by luxnet23 on Tue, 02/06/2024 - 01:14
Resolution adopted by ILN Feb. 3, 2024:
The Time to Act Is Now!
The Israeli government’s attack on Gaza is a threat to the security and lives of all humanity.
Submitted by luxnet23 on Sun, 11/05/2023 - 02:48
Break the Blockade of Gaza!
Defeat ALL the Religio-Fascists
Statement by the International Luxemburgist Network
1) Emergency Demands
The blockade of Gaza immediately threatens the lives of over two million people. The supply of water has become impossible without the electricity to pump it and the fuel to generate the electricity. The health system has entirely collapsed without electricity. The most basic solidarity with the people living in Gaza must make it the demand of the entire world workers movement that the blockade of Gaza end at once!
Submitted by luxnet23 on Sun, 04/30/2023 - 01:39
In April 2023, the world is ablaze with workers’ collective anger and collective action. A global strike wave on a scale not seen since 1968 is sweeping Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. In France, Germany, the UK, Iran, Israel, Sri Lanka, Peru and elsewhere, repeated general strikes have mobilized millions of workers in the past month. On a single day, March 27, there were simultaneous general strikes in France, Germany and Israel, while in the previous history of the workers’ movement there have never been even two simultaneous general strikes.
Submitted by luxnet23 on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 02:40
Seize the Banks! No Third Bailout!
Take Back What The Billionaires Have Stolen!
In a single week, the Federal Reserve, the Swiss National Bank and other central banks have poured more than half a trillion of public funds into a new bailout of the billionaires and their bankrupt banks. At the same time, governments in the US, the UK, France, Iran and everywhere are attacking workers’ wages, pensions, educational and health systems, intent on robbing the money to pay the billionaires.