Greek Workers’ Only Real Hope is Fearless Action

(first published in Counterpunch)

By Eric Lerner, US ILN

April 11, 2015

Greek hope is coming!

by Kostis Klimopoulos

(This is our first ILN report on the Greek situation. we invite members to submit updates and comments.)

The 26th of January 2015 for many people in Greece was a special day. It was the first time in modern Greek history when a left-wing government ruled primarily by the Coalition of the Radical Left party (SYRIZA) has assumed power. But what actually can Greek people expect from this change?

Mass Strike Vol. 2 No. 1 - October 2013

Jobs for All, Free Public Services for All, a National Recovery Plan

We demand the federal government create a democratically-controlled public works and public service program, with direct government employment, to generate 25 million new jobs at a living wage. The new jobs will be to build the facilities and provide the services to create free quality public services needed to meet the needs of the 99%, including in education (through university), child care, healthcare (single payer), housing, transportation, and clean energy.

Two Historical Examples of Mass Strikes

Occupy Wall Street: Anarchism, Luxemburgism, and the Struggle for Demands

By J. Arena

"Self-criticism, cruel, unsparing criticism . . . is life and breadth for the proletarian movement." - Rosa Luxemburg

Quebec student show the way to win in Le printemps érable ("The Maple Spring")

Quebec student show the way to win in Le printemps érable ("The Maple Spring")

By Lev Lafayette

How can we win? Mass Strikes and the lessons of Quebec and Occupy


How can we win? Mass Strikes and the lessons of Quebec and Occupy

By Eric Lerner

October 15- Time for the US to Join the Global Popular Assembly Movement

Independence from the Democratic and Republican Parties!

No to All Austerity!

Jobs for all—A Massive Public Works Program!!/event.php?eid=160311214057518

Athenians Teach a New Lesson in (Workers) Democracy

By Eric Lerner


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