
All about the current protest in Vietnam

The protest in Vietnam June 2018 by Sally Mju

About the current protest in Vietnam. I support and I do not support!
This article is analyzed from the perspective of Karl Marx and Rosa Luxemburg.

Think about the needs of the movement, if the working classes of all nationalities around the world oppose the bourgeoisie?

Two Historical Examples of Mass Strikes

A Brief Wildcat Strike takes the Spanish Skies by Storm

China: Factory workers, teachers, even police strike, occupy buildings

Eric Lerner

In November and December, workers protest has been accelerating across China as the economy spirals downward. In most cases, workers won concessions from a government worried that protests will escalate to challenge the Communist Party’s capitalist rule.

Time to Sit Down! Demand Socialization of Finance!

As in the US and France in 1936-37 and again in France in 1968, today Republic Windows and Doors workers in Chicago are showing the way to fight. With community support to prevent police action, seizing the workplace not only eliminates any possibly of scabbing or moving production, but poses a threat to the capitalists’ control over the economy. The immigrant rights, anti-war and labor movements need to provide all support not only to the Republic workers but to all workers who will follow in their lead and Sit Down to seize their workplaces.

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