Mass Strike

Mass Strike In Mexico

For the past month, tens of thousands of Mexican workers have been striking, and winning. A mass strike, outside the union structures, broke out Jan.12 in the city of Matamoros, across the border from Brownsville, Texas. Following a decree by new Mexican President ALMO doubling the minimum wage in the maquiladoras factories, workers began demanding that employers double the wages of all workers, as is guaranteed by their(rarely enforced) contracts. Mass meetings with representation from over 40 factories, mostly auto parts suppliers, called workers out on strike.

Mass Strike Vol. 2 No. 1 - October 2013

Two Historical Examples of Mass Strikes

Mass Strike N° 3

Mass Strike N° 2

The Mass Strike Volume 1 Number 2, published December 2009, is now online. The .pdf version is attached below.

In this issue:

What is the International Luxemburgist Network? Why this organization now?

On the question of revolutionary organization : the case of the NPA in France

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